Our Guarantee

Our Guarantee

Made up of PMU industry professionals with decades of experience, NUVA Colors guarantees satisfaction with our premium permanent makeup ink. With more than 100 colors available, we promise to have the right color tone you need to make all your customers happy.

The NUVA Difference

NUVA Colors products are designed for performance in a demanding market. Our pigments are concentrated in a very deliberate way to ensure a perfect color application without any unexpected variation. Our formula allows you to draw short and accurate strokes that remain vibrant, clear and defined for years. Over time, as with all PMU products, our colors will gradually lighten. However, we guarantee that our colors will not change, and will last much longer than similar products from other brands.

The NUVA Difference


We have partnered with distributors around the world to make our products more accessible. Please see our distributor list to find one near you. Our products can also be purchased directly from our online shop. Have a look at our product list today!


Making the switch to Nuva Colors has really helped to elevate my work. The pigments are perfectly formulated, and the application is always consistent. I’ve been getting a lot of referral business lately, and a lot of that is due to the high quality of Nuva Colors.

Sonya Riebold

Nuva Family PMU artist
I’ve been amazed at the consistency and tone of Nuva Colors pigments. My customers have been really happy with my work and I’ve never had to do any touchups since I started using Nuva Colors. The results speak for themselves.

Jasmine Peebles

Nuva Family PMU artist
Great customer service – I was surprised how attentive the Nuva team were in helping me select the right pigments for my very specific customer base. Products have exceeded expectations so far.  

Darleen Read

Nuva Family PMU artist