The Relationship Between Permanent Makeup and Self-Esteem

Dec 13 , 2023

The Relationship Between Permanent Makeup and Self-Esteem

Nothing makes someone more beautiful than the belief that they are beautiful."

In today's world, our self-esteem and confidence are often linked to our appearance and how we perceive ourselves. The beauty industry constantly evolves to meet the ever-changing demands of personal aesthetics, with more and more people trying permanent makeup. This trend suggests that it might not just be about looking good but also "feeling" good on the inside.

This hints at a connection between how we see ourselves and the choices we make to boost our confidence. To understand this connection better, we'll explore how permanent makeup and self-esteem are linked. We'll look into why people decide to get permanent makeup and what it means for how they feel about themselves. By doing this, we can uncover the deeper layers of how society's beauty standards, personal empowerment, and feeling good about ourselves all come together.

The Link Between Appearance and Self-Worth 

“People with an appearance-contingent self-worth – that is, individuals who stake their global self-evaluation on whether they meet cultural standards for physical attractiveness – expend a great deal of time and effort enhancing their attractiveness (e.g., more time grooming and shopping)” - Contingencies of Self-Worth in College Students: Theory and Measurement, Crocker et al., 2003

The intricate link between appearance and self-worth emphasizes the complexity of individual perceptions and the impact of “personal aesthetics” on one's sense of value and confidence.

Investing in psychological well-being through practices like permanent makeup is a tangible commitment to promoting self-esteem. The permanence of this enhancement adds a layer of significance, symbolizing a lasting dedication to personal growth.

The journey toward boosted self-worth is often a collaborative effort between individuals and skilled artists. This partnership creates a dynamic environment where the transformation from insecurity to security is not only witnessed but actively facilitated. The artist becomes a guide, supporting the individual's quest for confidence and positive self-perception. According to Berry (2007), the author of “Beauty Bias”, “cosmetic products are not only seen as methods of enhancement but also as a source of projecting an image of power and status.”

Halo Effect and Social Perception

Understanding the concept of the halo effect emphasizes that attractive individuals are perceived positively. For example, Dion et al. (1972)  found that “attractive people are consistently rated as successful, kind, and sociable compared to unattractive people. “ Similarly, In a study performed by Wilson and Eckel (2006), which measured “the amount of trust people have for more attractive people, they found that those people who do have a higher attractiveness rating was perceived to be more trustworthy upon first meeting.” 

Acknowledging the existence of "pretty privilege" is crucial. The positive energy radiated by individuals who feel good about themselves not only contributes to personal well-being but also influences broader social dynamics. Permanent makeup can initiate a positive feedback loop, turning insecurity into strengths, inspiring confidence, and encouraging others to embrace their unique beauty.

The positive transformation experienced by individuals who undergo permanent makeup creates a ripple effect. As they transition from feeling aesthetically inferior, their newfound confidence becomes an inspiration to others. The impact goes beyond the individual, fostering a community that actively celebrates diverse forms of beauty.

The Impact of Permanent Makeup on Individuals Facing Health Challenges.

PMU plays a role in the broader context of supporting individuals with medical implications, contributing to their overall well-being and quality of life. The stories of cancer survivors and individuals with various medical conditions attest to the transformative power of PMU. Chemotherapy often results in hair loss, including eyebrows and eyelashes, impacting an individual's appearance and self-esteem. PMU offers a practical remedy by providing realistic-looking eyebrow and eyelash enhancements. Additionally, chemotherapy can cause changes in skin pigmentation or result in the loss of color in lips; PMU addresses these issues by restoring natural-looking color and symmetry.

PMU artists also help reconstruct areolas for individuals who have undergone mastectomies, aiding in the emotional healing process. The intersection of PMU and medical considerations goes beyond the surface, delving into the realms of emotional resilience and self-acceptance. As individuals face medical implications, PMU becomes a tool for reclaiming a sense of normalcy and fostering a positive self-image that extends far beyond the physical enhancements.


Source: Pinterest 

Psychological Implications of Enhanced Appearance

Permanent makeup serves as a transformative tool, offering lasting pigmentation to enhance facial features. Beyond addressing aesthetic concerns, it becomes a psychological catalyst for improved self-esteem. By allowing individuals to conform to or defy beauty standards, it becomes a vehicle for self-expression and personal empowerment. The act of choosing permanent makeup represents a conscious decision, fostering a positive correlation with self-esteem. 

The decision to undergo permanent makeup goes beyond aesthetic preferences; it represents an act of self-determination. This choice empowers individuals to shape their own narrative, impacting confidence levels and contributing to a positive self-image that extends beyond physical appearance.

It has been found that cosmetics do increase perceived attractiveness as well as enhance certain characteristics that are deemed desirable such as femininity (Jackson, 1982). Cosmetics aren't just limited to one gender and enhancing “femininity”, Men can benefit from procedures such as microblading for natural-looking eyebrows, SMP for baldness/hairloss, or camouflage techniques for scars. The key is to find an artist experienced in addressing diverse needs.

In Closing,

Permanent makeup goes beyond physical changes, exerting a profound emotional impact. Feeling good about one's appearance induces a positive shift in demeanor and social interactions, leading to increased social engagement and a willingness to undertake new activities.

The transformative journey not only benefits the individual but also acts as a catalyst for broader societal change. 

In essence, the exploration of permanent makeup underscores a powerful message: the choice is always ours. We hold the authority to determine how we feel about ourselves. Whether opting for transformative practices like permanent makeup to navigate societal standards, conceal scars, or face health challenges, the decision reflects an empowered choice. It signifies our agency in shaping our own narrative, fostering positive self-esteem, and embracing the beauty that is uniquely ours. In a world where external influences abound, this reaffirmation of personal authority becomes a beacon, guiding us towards self-acceptance, and confidence, and a celebration of the diverse forms of beauty that reside within each of us.